
  1. The MHEC follows Public Bid and Award practices for all contracts. These practices are guided by State Laws, Rules and Regulations governing contracting for goods and services. The MHEC’s contracts are created through the sealed bid process and are consistent with the requirements for direct purchase of goods and services by the MHEC members, both public and private.
  2. All Invitations for Bid (IFB) notices are publically posted and listed on the MHEC website, posted at the MHEC, the Massachusetts Central Register and Goods & Services Bulletin, and the Hampshire Gazette. Copies can be obtained by contacting the MHEC in writing.
  3. All responses are publically opened. Responses shall be received no later than the deadline at the office of the MHEC. Immediately following the deadline, all responses will be publically opened and the respondents recorded. (If for any reason the office shall be closed for emergency situations beyond the control of the MHEC, the public opening will be delayed to the same time of the next business day that the office is open.)
  4. Received bids are reviewed to determine the responsiveness to the IFB. Submitted bids are considered responsive when the bid package contains all of the information requested, including forms signed affidavit and Excel file submissions. Each bid provides a checklist of requirements to assist bidders in submitting a complete response. The MHEC reserves the right to accept IFBs that are deemed responsive and responsible and in the best interest of its membership. The MHEC reserves the right to reject any IFB submission response that does not meet the requirements of the IFB or is deemed non-responsive, non-responsible and not in the best interest of its membership.
  5. All bid files and complete contracts are public and are available for review at the MHEC office. If you wish to review, please email the MHEC contract manager to make an appointment. A list of contracts and their associated manager can be pulled from MHEC website.
  6. Clarifications of bid proposals may be requested by the MHEC if the bid response submitted to any question asked within the IFB is not clear. The MHEC will expect supplier’s response for clarification in writing within a specified time limit or the bid may be considered unresponsive and be disqualified.
  7. Bid Withdrawal: IFB responses may be withdrawn by the bidder at any time before the response date with an official request in writing.
  8. Bid Cancellation: MHEC may for any reason and at any time prior to the execution of a contract and without penalty, cancel a solicitation.
  9. Best and final pricing contracts are created through public, sealed bids and suppliers are expected to make their “best and final offer” up front in the bid. If awarded, suppliers shall honor all contracts with our members and not leverage them as opportunities to offer better discounts or pricing to an individual member.
  10. Contracts are awarded to the responsive and responsible bidder/s offering the lowest price and lowest overall cost for the goods and services requested within the IFB.
  11. Lowest overall cost is described as delivered cost (price plus any additional charges such as shipping and handling). Offers should include total cost of ownership.
  12. The MHEC will publish all awarded contracts on the MHEC website, www.mhec.net, for its members to utilize. Members have the ability to sort this information by contract, vendor, brand, category and keyword.
  13. Copies of the contract will be emailed to the awarded suppliers and will contain a listing of the MHEC Member organizations with addresses. Mailed copies are by request only.